Saturday, 1 December 2007

Coinless Wallet

Yet another dabble with a pattern from Bend The Rules Sewing. This time it was the coinless wallet. There were a few constructions issues with this one - most stemming from the need to have it produced in very short time frame.

Oh boy do I wish that there were full size patterns instead of the need for enlarging. I am certain that I used my scanner correctly and had the correct size but the cards didn't fit. Well they did fit when turned sideways but not snugly and they would fall out easily. I found it hard to visualize the size that it would end up after sewing. I think that I would add some width to the pattern and reduce the length for my next try. The stitching lines for the folds appear to work exceptionally well with the cards turned sideways whereas if they were lengthwise there would be a lot of extra space between the pockets. The slightly off centre button is another thing I would be more careful with next time.

Many apologies for the poor quality photos but again time was against me. This little wallet was being put into use straight away so down on the floor it went in a sunny room that have a quick snap - no time for a nice outside spot.


  1. I did change the width as I wanted to add another line of stitching around the edge. I too will make my own pattern to suit how I want to make them in the future.
    Yours look great.

  2. beautiful work.... my sister at jellywares had the same probl;em with the enlarging of bend the rules patterns...
    luv Abby


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